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Public Art in the City of Canada Bay

The City of Canada Bay has a place-based approach to Public Arts and Cultural Development. Each project is developed with local knowledge, in partnership with key stakeholders to create meaningful installations and activities in a range of localities.


Public Art - a range of artwork and art-based activities in the public domain - provides the perfect opportunity to communicate and represent cultural meanings. Areas of public domain include open space, public buildings, parks, playgrounds, and anywhere else the general public has access to.

On a fundamental level, the value of Public Art is to be found in the level of public benefit it provides to people regardless of their individual circumstances.


Public Art can include sculpture, place-making elements, wall embellishments, artist designed seating and fencing, paving work, lighting elements and other creative possibilities. Public Art can serve both an aesthetic and functional purpose.


"It is generally recognised that innovative, creative and animated public spaces have a competitive economic edge and enhance community capacity building, social interaction and quality of life" - Art and Place Policy Framework.

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